Are you willing to dismantle your structures of knowing to live your best life?

Am I willing to systematically dismantle my structure of knowing?  

(This question is ala ACE and masterful coach and teacher Maria Nemeth)

When we answer YES to this question we are saying that we are willing to be flexible enough to grow and change.   

An outdated or old “structure of knowing” is a carefully constructed tower, full of meticulously placed (limiting) beliefs and opinions, for which we are willing to sacrifice our own (and others’) greatest happiness to maintain.   It is the unconscious patterns of thought that arose from a younger self, that are attempting to keep us safe.  Our minds see and experience the world from this structure of knowing, and it keeps us “playing safe” (and small).

A new or updated structure of knowing allows us to see ourselves clearly, and move towards our greatest fulfillment and happiness in all areas of our lives.  

How do we shift from an outdated, limited structure of knowing to a wiser, more coherent structure of knowing?  Whew.  I think this is what many of us are up to right now on the planet.  We can see how, on a massive scale, there are structures of knowing that have become entire empires, and will not fall or transform easily.  The same goes for each of our inner structures.

I have found that it requires a multi-tiered approach.  

We have to work at all levels of our consciousness for a true shift to occur.  On one side is the inner work of transformation - where we dig deep, unearthing our shadows (therapy, ceremony), and find coherent templates to learn from (such as a mentor or tree or river).  

On the other side is being willing to ACT in our life from the new construct, even if the old construct is fighting for survival with every tooth and nail.  This is what ultimately begins to strengthen and support the updated construct to stabilize.  

The digging deep takes courage, but the ACTING on it, I think, often takes more courage, as that is where we begin to get outside feedback, and that is hecka’ vulnerable to our new, more delicate construct.  This is where community mirroring, accountability and support are key.  

One of the places where this process comes up the most is in relationship to purpose and our work in the world.   Outdated constructs of knowing around purpose include thoughts like “I am not lovable,” “I’m confused and don’t know what I want,” “I’ll fail if I try,” “I could never do it as good as ____ (the comparing mind), or “I’ll take the next step towards my dream once I do just one more training.”

Living with these structures makes it impossible to achieve what we are here for. We must dedicate ourself 100% to deconstructing the thoughts and beliefs that are in our way, no matter how comfortable they have become. And then we must have the fortitude and willingness to believe something new, and to take the risk to act from that place.

For womxn interested in a strong container and are serious about creating something beautiful out of the next phase of your career….

The four quadrants of the Butterfly Emergence framework are designed to efficiently move you from old to new structures of knowing and then offers the community support and accountability to act on that in the world.

Read more about it here


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